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Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Mind Update: Improving Career Key

Are you unhappy with your career? Did you never succeed in achieving your goals? Are your achievements during a career hindered by less lucky you are? If you feel these things, then you have to do is let the power within you to take over your career. Yes, we all have inner strength that only ourselves who can remove it, as long as we want. Murphy (1981) said that all happiness and our suffering comes from within ourselves. As We think, so We Are, As We continue to think, so We Remain.

So what should we do? Change our minds, update these thoughts. We can transform to renew our minds. This is the key to improving career. Our mind is a very sophisticated recording machine. All beliefs, impressions, opinions, and ideas that we consciously accept our store into the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind. Be we like what we think. Well, by learning how to relate to the subconscious mind, we can control these thoughts to enhance career.

We all have the ability to change what is in the subconscious mind. Starting from taking concrete steps to mengabsorbsikan thought patterns are new. Think thoughts of beauty, beauty, love, peace, virtue, and creative ideas, then without your awareness of your subconscious mind will respond in unison, transforming your mental, your body, and environment that surrounds you a beauty, love, and any thing good stuff that you entered.

Our subconscious mind as a fertile soil that is able to grow anything that instilled him. He will receive all our conscious thoughts, good or bad. Furthermore, our subconscious mind to move actively cultivate a big deal about it. Destructive thoughts, continues to grow bringing negativity in the subconscious mind and in time will come out in the form of negative action when receiving a response that generates that thought.

The subconscious mind does not have the capacity to distinguish whether our conscious mind is good or bad, right or wrong, he just responded based on the nature of the conscious mind. If we consciously assume that something is true, though it is false, then the subconscious mind we still accept that it's true, as you enter, for this was the nature of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind shows the best performance when we sleep, or in a drowsy condition. The subconscious mind is able to see without the need for sense of vision. When the conscious mind and subconscious mind work in harmony and peace, then the result is self-harmony, healthy, peaceful, prosperous, joy, and happiness. And vice versa.

Whatever the dominant idea or belief in our subconscious mind, the mind can take over the conscious mind, action and reaction that appears in our behavior. If we believe that we are people who fail and never succeed, so even though we have been working 18 hours a day, working very hard, still we will fail because there is a dominant idea in our minds.

So change your mind becomes more positive, but positive thinking alone is not enough. You need to change your mind at once take over responsibility for yourself with positive action. More concerned about themselves, the environment, to anything that you developed in your life. That is what will increase the value of your life, including your career.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

How to Learn Effectively

The steps to learn effectively is to know :

* Self
* Your learning ability
* Proces of successful use, and required
* Interests, and knowledge on the subject you want
You may learn physics with ease but can not learn tennis, or vice versa. Learn anything, is a process to reach certain stages.

Four steps to learn.
Start by printing this page and answer the questions. Then plan your strategy of answers, and with the "Study Guides" the other.

Start with the past What is your experience about how to learn? Are you
What was your experience about how you learn? Did you

* Like to read? solve the problem? memorized? story? translating? speech?
* Learn how to summarize?
* Ask questions about what you learned?
* Review?
* Have access to information from many sources?
* Like quiet or study groups?
* Take some time to learn a short or long one?
What are your study habits? How did they evolve? Which is best? The worst?
How do you communicate what you know learn best? Through a written test, script, or an interview?
Forward to thepresent Would you?
How much time do I want to spend learning?
What to compete with my concern?

Are the circumstances right for success?
What can I control, and what is outside my control?
Can I change these conditions for success?

What affects your dedication to this lesson?

Do I have a plan? Does my plan consider the experience and learning style?
Consider the process, the main issue What title?
What are the key words are striking?
Do I understand?

What have I learned?
Do I know related subjects?

The sources and information which can help me?
Do I rely on one source (for example, books)?
Do I need to find other sources?

As I learned, do I ask myself if I understand?
Should I speed up or slow down?
If I do not understand, if I ask why?

Do I stop and summarize?
Do I stop and ask if this logical?
Do I stop and evaluate (agree / disagree)?

Do I need time to think and come back again?
Do I need to discuss with "learners" in order to process other informasin further?
Do I need to find "experts", the teacher or librarian?
Create a review Did I do right?
What could I do better?
Is my plan similar to the "self"?

Do I choose the right conditions?
Did I follow through; was I disciplined with myself?

Are you successful?
Do you celebrate your success?
This page was drawn from "metacognition", a term coined by Flavell (1976), and delivered by many people. Additional resources have been developed by the SNOW (Special Needs Opportunity Windows), a project that targets the aid educators.

How to wash your hair loss A Right To Avoid

Washing hair regularly serves to keep the hair clean and beautiful. However, if the wrong shampoo can cause hair loss.

Here are some tips from the stylish and trendy about an efficient way to wash your hair to reduce hair loss.

1. Wet your hair before applying shampoo seleuruhnya. This makes the chemicals that exist in the shampoo is not instantly absorbed by the hair.

2. Take enough shampoo to clean hair. Avoid using shampoos that too much because it can actually make the hair become dry setela shampooing.

3. Apply on the hair while giving massage gently with your finger. Its function is not only removes dirt and oil in the scalp, blood circulation can also on the scalp can stimulate hair growth.

4. Rinse the shampoo in your hair thoroughly for chemical content does not stick to the hair.

5. If your hair is very dirty, re-apply shampoo, but with a smaller dose of shampoo.

6. Apply conditioner to the ends of your hair and let stand three to five minutes, then rinse the hair.

7. Let the excess water on your hair, do not rotate or twisted hair because the hair will be damaged.

8. Take a towel, and press-press hair in a towel. Do not rub, because the friction will make damaged hair.

9. Avoid combing hair while hair is wet, because at that time, the hair is very fragile.

10. Avoid drying my hair with a hair dryer (hair dryer). Dry your hair naturally.

11. If you do blow dry, make sure you do it carefully. Do not pull too hard hair with a comb blow.

Clear Thinking

Thinking is a process to create something extraordinary. Usually, people always think to look for a solution or way out of a problem. Not only that, think also can be used to generate a great masterpiece. People genius and the inventor always use their minds before they produce something works.
Thinking that clearly should be able to control myself so that emotions are not carried into these thoughts. Often we can not think clearly, this is probably due to control our emotions are always carried on as we think.
Environment can also affect the results of one's thoughts, because in a comfortable environment to help us think calmly, and therefore the results can be satisfactory for us.
Everyone must have thought so too with your own. So, think every time. Create a masterpiece with your thinking is.

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